What is the difference between coaching and mentoring in education?

Mentoring is often unstructured and is driven by the needs of the learner's moment, while quality training is based on a structure based on standards and accountability. Mentors are often volunteers for whom the role is an additional responsibility, while coaches are dedicated to their role and are rewarded for it. A mentor is an expert in a system, an expert in a field that supports a novice. A new teacher's mentor can be a teacher with experience in the same school or district.

For example, a mentor could help a new teacher understand how to use the online homework platform or could offer advice on building relationships with the main office and school custodial staff. A mentor teaches a novice the ins and outs of the trade and helps the newcomer overcome a career transition. A mentor transmits knowledge, experience and helps the mentee establish connections with others. Its purpose is to help an adult student improve their practice, whether teaching or leadership.

Therefore, coaching is much more structured than mentoring. Effective training is based on goals (the coach's goals, school goals and student goals). Formal agreements surrounding meetings, confidentiality and processes are established at the beginning of the coaching relationship. For more information on goals and agreements, see my book, The Art of Coaching).

Teaching focuses on making an individual learn the basic concepts and key points to carry out a given process. Teaching should be delivered in an environment that allows the student to make mistakes without causing any harm to the project or organization. The teacher will focus their communication on the concepts, key points, examples and exercises that the student needs to learn and practice to perform in the real world. I look forward to hearing from you about your experience teaching, training and mentoring people.

In a company, several employee development procedures are developed to improve employee performance. Coaching versus mentoring are two examples of this type of program. In coaching versus mentoring, coaching, on the one hand, is the practice of teaching and monitoring someone to improve their performance. In coaching versus mentoring, mentoring is a counseling procedure used to guide and encourage a person's professional growth.

Coaching, for example, is a more intimate connection, generally in the short term, that is encouraged for the purpose of personal or professional growth. Mentoring is the best form of CPD, since it allows a professional to reflect on their own practice, articulate their thinking and offer advice, models and guidance to others, while improving and refining their own craft. Mentoring, on the other hand, is a form of professional growth in which a person with less experience seeks the guidance, knowledge and support of a more experienced worker. Coaching is used at all stages of the career, while mentoring, as mentioned above, is primarily an official function for managing a period of transition or support.

Providers always have the role of seeking adaptation to the next stage of teacher training, ensuring the continuity of the approach and understanding of the methodology from the ITT, through the NQT, the RQT and beyond, but most likely, the chosen approach will change from a mentoring approach to one of coaching once the initial stages of the professional career have been completed. It was also important that my coach was not a line manager or hierarchically superior to me to facilitate an open and confidential discussion about all issues. Hobson Angi Malderez, (201), Judgmentoring and other threats to realizing the potential of school-based mentoring in teacher education, International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, vol. In a coaching process, this relationship is less explicit and, often, more equitable: the coach usually overcomes the novice phase, since he has the capacity to reflect sensibly and critically on his own practice, using his growing experience and what he already knows.

CUREE continues to state that mentoring offers “activities that promote and improve effective transitions between professional roles.”. However, the coach must have experience in the field of teaching (someone who has never taught cannot effectively train a teacher). A coach is someone who helps team members advance to the next stage of development, resulting in the development of new leaders within the company. Whereas coaching is usually aimed at a specific area of development for a more established teacher.

Coaching requires hours of practice and observation on the part of the trainer, in addition to learning about theory and practice. Undoubtedly, it could be argued that, since a good training model requires a level of experience on the part of the coach to allow effective reflection, the use of coaching too early in a teacher's career can be ineffective or even harmful, as they strive to participate in the process properly or feel overwhelmed and unable to set appropriate and manageable teaching objectives. Impart the right culture in your school and the role of the mentor or coach becomes vitally important. This is the opposite of mentoring, since the coach does not evaluate, judge, or set objectives, and the person receiving the training has full control of the discussion.
